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General Terms and Conditions of the Tour

Visitar Granada

You must keep a copy of the voucher you will receive via e-mail at the end of the booking process. The copy will have to be shown to the guide before the start of the tour. The voucher is also considered as the payment receipt.
The cancellation of the reservation, once confirmed, will cause additional costs:

1.- Up to 48 hours before the day and hour of your visit: cost of 10%, with a minimum of 10€ for each booking.

2.- Up to 24 before the day and hour of your visit or no show: cost of 40%

3.- The day before the visit or no show: cost of 100%

4.- The amounts paid in terms of reservation of the booking will not be refunded.

Please communicate all changes or modifications of your booking to or call at 0034 958 535 872.

By contracting one or more of our services you agree to the general terms and conditions and the content published on this website. For any matter arising from the interpretation or application of the conditions and the fulfillment of the obligations, both the traveler and the tour operator are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Granada, renouncing any other jurisdiction.

The information contained herein, such as schedules, arrival and departure dates of tours, was true at the time of the publication. Any alterations or changes occurred since its publication, inaccuracy or variation cannot be regarded as misleading advertising of the organizing agency. In case of any variation, the traveler will be informed at the time of the booking or at the beginning of the excursion.

There shall be no refund for services that you have not used voluntarily during the course of the trip or tour.

The consumer does not have the right to disclaim a purchase.
Although Article 47 of the Act on Market Practices and Consumer Protection in distance selling sets a deadline of 14 calendar days for the consumer to withdraw from the contract, this right of revocation does not apply to contracts established via websites. Under the Royal Decree of November 18, 2002 the contracts relating to accommodation, transport, restaurants and entertainment will be excluded from this disposition under certain conditions. The exception to the tourism sector was established for the specific services rendered in this sector and is in line with the European legislation on distance selling, which also provides an exception for services related to accomodation, transportation, restaurants and entertainment.

If you would like to make a complaint during the tour or excursion, please indicate so directly to person in charge (guide, companion, director of the group, etc.). In this way we have the opportunity to correct the error in the given moment. No claim will be accepted later that was not made during the moment of discomfort.

City Tour Alhambra Viajes S.L.

C.I.F.: B-18409490.

C/ Beethoven, 12 18006. Granada. Spain.

Phone: 0034 958 535 872 – Mobile: 0034 630 020 008 (between 8.00am and 11.00pm)